Is Someone Stealing Your Identity? Know About Identity Frauds


Social media has become such a significant part of our lives that we cannot imagine establishing contact with rest of the rest of the world in its absence. The accounts that we have on various social media websites have become an essential aspect of how we project ourselves to the world. We intend to share our thoughts, interests and images with the people we know through the social media websites. But if we are not careful enough, our digital identities might be at risk.

With the growing popularity of the social media and the speed at which it has seeped into our way of establishing communication with others, it’s not surprising that the security on the websites may be compromised. It’s very often that we give a lot of personal information while registering on such websites. The reason this information is asked for is so that you as a user are only exposed to the target advertising of your interest. The main source of revenue generation for the social media websites is through target advertising. Knowing about you hobbies, likes and dislikes helps these sites to direct relevant adverts your way. The reason behind giving out your personal information may sound absolutely legit but it also makes your digital identity vulnerable to be abused by cyber criminals identity protection.

Identity fraud occurs when a cyber criminal manipulates the information that you have already given at the time of registration. This information may include details like your middle name, your mother’s maiden name and your pet’s name. Listing your hobbies and interests in great detail may also make you vulnerable. Moreover, one must never give out information such as social security number and details of driver’s license. You might never know when a cyber criminal might be stalking you over the internet and keeping a track of all your posts. At such instances you might leave your family and house at the risk of being robbed if you always post about your travel plans.

If the hacker does crack your password and get into your account he may use it to gain access to your other accounts and create mayhem through them. This way you are also putting the people you are connected to at risk. The hacker might message your connections or share links of dubious websites from your account. If your connections click on these links they might put their digital identities or systems at risk as well.

Cyber criminals are always on a lookout to steal someone’s identity and abuse it for their profits. Be on a lookout and stay connected with us to know how you can keep your digital identities safe.

Cyber scams like identity frauds occur when personal details like bank accounts details, names, etc are stolen to take over your accounts, order goods in your name, and steal your mobile contacts. So you should always be careful and use total security solutions while going online.

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