Just Started with Xocai, THE TRUTH IS OUT!


I just got started with new home based business called Xocai adivision of MXI Corp. Xocai markets a very tasty chocolate bar and drink loaded with antioxidants. The ingredients are cacao and acai berries. People who have tried the chocolate products have reported lower cholesterol, blood pressure, arthritis, and increased energy. I personally lost 5 pounds so far and filled with energy. It is definitely a tasty product surprisingly and lost the crave for other chocolate treats.

The Company also offers a lucrative home based business through MLM and is booming very fast. The business opportunity has a binary compensation plan that pays up to 50% of the commission volume. What was very interesting that you only need to build two legs to start earning commissions. An example of this is if one leg has $5,000 and the other $2,000 in a weekly commission, you would recive a check from the weaker leg of $2000 and the system very easy to understand. This is just one of the 6 ways one is paid.What i also like about it was that you only need two sponsor 2 people to be successful in this business and can earn a great income jio dth.

To conclude on this review, I would recommend it to anyone that loves and enjoys eating healthy chocolate that actually tastes good and would like to make a substantial income with Xocai. My sponsors are helping me all the way, which is very important for me in any home business. I am able to have that one-on-one training with my sponsor on the phone or via email easily. This is truly a business that has teamwork and therefore the success rate is very high.

Mansour Farghly is a 19 year old student and has been in this industry for almost 2 years with much success. He is dedicated on becoming one of the top earners in the home based industry within the next year. He devotes himself full time in his business to ensure the success of himself and others.